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Tips to Create Fast Loading Web Page
Creating Fastest Loading Web Page Creating a website in this internet market is not a big task for the webmaster, but creating a website with fast loading capacity is the big task for them. A page loading can be said as simple or complicated, depending upon the SEO awareness of the webmaster. It is important to have a fast loading website. Here, some simple tips to create a fast loading web site. Navigation Navigation is one of the most important aspects for a website which should be simple, logical and understandable. It helps to increase the number of page impressions, boost return visits and improves the page load. If graphics are used in navigation bar, make sure that the entire navigation bar for the page is not bigger than 10KB. Create navigation with good looking and ease-to-access the web pages.
Don’t use JavaScript Navigation Comparing JavaScript with plain text, the JavaScript takes more time to load than the plain text. In a web page, if JavaScript is used from another document, then the web page takes some time to load.
Use Tables Tables load very fast as it is just a HTML code and it can be used anywhere in a webpage either in menus, navigation or in content part. Using a table, helps the developer to create a look and feel webpage with good navigation & designing structure. Make sure that the height and width attributes are used in every section which enables the page to know exactly where it is supposed to load and how big it is.
Optimize the HTML Code Make sure that the website does not have any unwanted tags or broken links. A well optimized web page will minimize the loading time. Rectify the errors on the webpage and make it an error free website. It maximizes the fast loading of the web pages.
Maximize content area Try to optimize a webpage with more content. Content not only reduces the loading time, but also enhances the readability & traffic of the website.
Minimize use of graphics, Flash and scripts Minimize the use of graphics, flash and scripts in a page. It takes more space. So try to minimize using background colors and fills instead of heavy images. Even try to optimize heavy graphics, flash files and scripts. In web page graphics, use height and width attributes. It enables the text around the graphics to know exactly where to load and minimize its loading time, when the page is loading.
Use text links instead of graphic buttons In a web page, text plays an important role compared to the use of scripts or flash or graphics. Though, the web page is too long, it takes a second or less to load the page, if it contains all in text. Always remind that, graphics can be used in a site, just to make the site look and feel. Instead of graphic buttons, try to use text links as much as possible. Use CSS for text links to make them as attractive as buttons.
PDF Files If pages are added to display formatted text for a site, then the developer can consider using PDF files. PDF files are user friendly and its looks more graceful to read the documents. But the loading time is little bit late.
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